1. Harold Innis in the new century :
Author: edited by Charles R. Acland and William J. Buxton
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Innis, Harold A., (Harold Adams),1894-1952

2. Technology and the Canadian mind :
Author: Arthur Kroker.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Grant, George Parkin,1918-1988.,Innis, Harold A., (Harold Adams),1894-1952.,McLuhan, Marshall,1911-1980.,Grant, George,1918-,Innis, Harold A.,1894-1952.,McLuhan, Marshall,1911-1980.,Grant, George Parkin,1918-1988,Innis, Harold A., (Harold Adams),1894-1952,McLuhan, Marshall,1911-1980,Technology and civilization.,Technology-- Social aspects-- Canada.,Technologie-- Aspect social-- Canada.,Technologie et civilisation.,Intellectual life.,Maatschappij.,Technologie.,Technology and civilization.,Technology-- Social aspects.,Canada, Intellectual life.,Canada, Vie intellectuelle, 20e siècle.,Canada., 0, 6, 7
Classification :

3. Wilbur Schramm and Noam Chomsky meet Harold Innis :
Author: Robert E. Babe.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Chomsky, Noam.,Innis, Harold A., (Harold Adams),1894-1952.,Schramm, Wilbur,1907-1987.,Chomsky, Noam.,Innis, Harold Adams,1894-1952.,Schramm, Wilbur,1907-1987.,Economics-- Sociological aspects.,Mass media-- Social aspects.,Economics-- Sociological aspects.,Mass media-- Social aspects.